Breast Cream: WYN's Female Intimate Hygiene Product

Explore WYN's Female Intimate Hygiene Product

How your protein intake affects your breast health

Breast comprise of mammary glands and fatty tissue which are suspended in
jelly like supporting tissue. The shape & firmness of the breasts are
maintained by the viscoelastic extra-cellular matrix proteins such as collagen,
Fibronectin, elastin, Hyaluronic acid and others.

Various causes disturb & reduce the content of these protein which
give firmness & shape to the breasts.
1. Menopause, increasing age leading weakening of ligaments &
loss of elasticity
2. Pregnancies
3. Rapid weight loss or gain
4. Smoking & other modern day life-styles

Nature offers number of herbs & phytoactives from herbs which can increase the synthesis & prevent the breakdown of these viscoelastic proteins such as collagen, Fibronectin, elastin & Hyaluronic acid.

WYN Breast cream is a combination of all such natural herbs with documented efficacy to firm up the sagging breast.

What You Need

Breast Cream
Breast Cream
Breast Cream
Breast Cream
Breast Cream
Breast Cream
Breast Cream
Breast Cream

Breast Cream

₹ 799.00