Collection: Menopausal wellness

WYN: Products for Menopausal Women

Products for Menopausal Women

"What You Need," your haven for Menopause Women's Wellness Treatment intended to nurture and empower you through this metamorphic phase of life. Menopause, a natural and unavoidable transition, deserves a compassionate attitude, and our carefully hewn products are here to provide just that. In the dominion of Ayurveda, we believe in invoking the inherent wisdom of nature to sustain your well-being. Our Menopause Treatment is evidence to this belief, offering a complete and gentle approach to managing the distinctive challenges that accompany menopause.

At the heart of our assemblage is the Soothing Vaginal Cream, a reassuring blend stimulated by the healing properties of Ayurvedic herbs. Designed to bring comfort to your body, it addresses menopausal needs, offering a natural encirclement of relief. Complementing this is our Menopausal Mints, a synthesis of cooling mint and herbal extracts which help against symptoms of menopause. These mints refresh your senses and act as a discreet partner, providing on-the-go relief wherever life takes you. Join us on this journey of accepting change with grace and vivacity. WYN is more than a product; it's a friend, walking with you through the beauty of this metamorphic chapter. Relive comfort, balance, and delight because, in every woman's story, there's strength in evolution.


Natural Relief: Our formula associates time-honored Ayurvedic ingredients known for their calming assets. Feel the tender touch of nature as you smear the cream, offering relief where you require it most.

Balancing Act: Menopause can bring disproportions, and our products are here to reinstate harmony. Nourishing herbs sustains your body's natural equilibrium, encouraging well-being.

Hormone-Free: Our menopausal care products are hormone-free, offering a natural and gentle approach to managing menopausal symptoms without the use of hormones.

Herbal Grace: Infused with herbs, these mints go past just freshness. They are an amiable blend of nature's goodness, working unanimously to support your well-being during this transformative phase.

Enhanced Mood: The soothing effects of our menopausal care products can help improve mood and reduce irritability, supporting a more positive outlook during menopause.

Clinically Tested: Our menopausal care products undergo rigorous clinical testing to ensure safety and efficacy, providing you with a trusted solution for your menopausal symptoms.